Upgrading your bathroom with a walk-in shower?

30 November 2019  |  Neil

Upgrading your bathroom to a walk in shower room for ease of use for disabled or elderly peopleIf you are considering installing a walk-in shower!

Showers are preferred over baths by 90% of people. If you're in the pro-shower camp, why not make it an even more enjoyable part of your day? Upgrading from a traditional shower to a walk-in shower has a lot of benefits. 

Let's look at some reasons to consider making the change.

  • Accessibility Ease

    • One of the biggest benefits of walk-in showers is accessibility. They can be much easier to use for an elderly or disabled person since they don't have to step over any kind of threshold. If the shower floor is flush with the rest of the bathroom, wheelchairs can access them quite easily as well. Level access shower trays or wet room shower tray floor formers make achieving easy level access easy.
    • You can install grab railsshower seats, and other accessibility features to make the shower usable for nearly anyone, giving them more independence.
  • A Walk-In Level AccessShower is a Luxury Bathroom Feature

    • If you spend some time on Instagram or Pinterest searching for walk-in shower pictures, you'll see all kinds of different designs. Many of which look pretty luxurious.
    • Walk-in showers give you a lot more design flexibility than traditional showers. You can use any type of materials you want, whether it's tile or natural stone. You can make it any size and shape that fits the space you're building in.
    • And you can use any kind of shower head you like. You can install a rain shower head with several supplementary jets for a complete immersion experience, or stick with a single high-efficiency option.
  • Easier Cleaning and Maintenance

    • A walk-in shower will have fewer nooks and crannies than most typical showers which makes it easier to clean. Many walk-ins don't have shower doors so it also lets the moist air circulate better throughout the room.
    • Trapping the moist air inside a smaller shower stall can lead to mold and mildew if it isn't cleaned well but this is less of a problem with an open design.
  • Makes the Bathroom Look Larger

    • Most walk-in showers don't have shower doors or if they do, they will be glass so the space used by the shower isn't hidden from the rest of the room. This helps the bathroom look larger.
    • This is usable space as well since there's no tub or shower stall limiting access. The floor of a walk-in shower can be flush with the rest of the bathroom so it doesn't block access to the space.


Upgrade Your Shower Experience

Whether you're looking to renovate with a more modern shower design, create a spa experience in your home, or accommodate someone with limited mobility, a walk-in shower is a good solution.

Wet Rooms Direct carries a wide range of shower equipment. Whether you're just getting started with your plans or you know exactly what you need, we can help. 

Get in touch today and we'll help you find the right products to get started on your bathroom upgrade.

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